No matter where you are or what you have done, you were created for a purpose and it is never too late to find that purpose.
When you arrive, you will be greeted in the parking lot by a smiling face. You will also be greeted at the front doors. We have a gift bag already waiting for your family to arrive. It is a small way for us to say THANK YOU for having you visit us! And as you come, we want you to know there is no specific dress code to come to our church.
Directly inside is the entrance to our Sanctuary. Ushers will be there to help you find a seat. If you have childcare needs, our team is ready to direct you to the nursery or children’s area.
Following the Sunday morning worship we have a time of fellowship with coffee and donuts, this time is followed by our Sunday morning classes of discipleship and Bible study for all ages.
We look forward to meeting you!
We gather every week for fellowship, to worship God and to study God’s Word together. We have learning opportunities for the whole family.